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By Ben Apatoff Even if his leering mug didn't greet you on the cover, any headbanger worth his horns could tell who wrote this...


By: Shannon Joy I've spent most summers of my adult life running the festival circuit throughout Europe, though oddly enough, I've never experienced their...


By Ben Apatoff Why bother reviewing a new album by SLAYER? You'll enjoy it if you liked the last few, and you'll steer clear...

Clip of the Day

DAATH's newest album, The Concealers, has several good songs, impeccable musicianship and enough variety to consistently hold interest. It won't change your life, but...


Wednesday night, for the first time in my life, I shot a show where I was scared shit out of my pants while standing...


No band has done more for American metal under the Bush years than LAMB OF GOD. For eight years, Virginia's finest upped the ante...


Cary Gordon, a.k.a. Evil C, co-Host of Metal Injection Radio's MSRCast sent in this review… With the brand new Guitar Hero game out on...


In the January 2008 issue of Decibel, Skeletonwitch described their sound as "Immortal beating the shit out of Metallica at a keg party."  This...


For those new kids out there, “Wages Of Sin” was not ARCH ENEMY's first album! For you melodic metalcore kids still high on LAMB...


I have a special place in my heart for thrash, because that’s where it all started for me. The 90’s however were not kind...


Ah yes, good old doom/death. It’s funny how all of the progenitors have grown from growling over BLACK SABBATH riffs, to a post doom/death...


I’m sure my attempts at humor in my recent raw black metal reviews has probably resulted in Obscure Abhorrence Records, and perhaps some of...


Before I even start this off, I know what many of you will say as soon as you see the band name, “That’s not...


Get into your time machine and get her up to 88 mph, because we’re going back to the old school! Are you not familiar...


Every time I kept on playing this, I thought it sounded like a soundtrack to something, but I couldn’t think of what. Then it...


I actually saw an add for this album, and one of the tag lines was “For fans of shaking their head and saying: What...


I just got a bunch of stuff in from Ibex Moon Records, and I was so ecstatic to see that all the bands had...


There’s something that can be great about bands that have very few members. The route to what the artist’s interpretation can be easily portrayed....


What a fitting band name. Not because Droid is one of those super-technical bands that play like they’re inhuman, but the double bass drums...


The contents are exactly as advertised: Metal God Essentials Vol. 1.  This release collects the highlights of Rob Halford's solo career to date in...


Buy a neck brace. That seems to be the message that August Burns Red is trying to get across with their sophomore release Messengers....


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...


Straightedge metallic hardcore punk brimming with breakdowns – who needs more of this stuff? Turns out that a well-done X-fest is surprisingly refreshing in...