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With an artfully arranged title – Sunbather – splayed across a sunkissed gradient ranging from salmon to pink lemonade, you'd be forgiven for Deafheaven had jumped labels to...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


Just the name Grime is about all you need to take away to get an idea of whether you'll like their material or not....


Everyone has that band that got them into music, or into a genre. And no matter how mediocre or revolutionary that band is, you'll...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


You'd be hard pressed to find a metal band more hyped than Kvelertak in the last two years. Having released their self-titled debut in 2010 through...

METAL Injection

An ominous chorus begins to swell as a deadpan drum is beaten in the background. A voice comes onto the microphone like a demonic...

Latest News

When I saw Nails at New England Metal and Hardcore Fest in 2011, I was instantly won over. They had such a raw, no...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...

Black Metal History

Not that I would want to subject myself to the hair-splitting involved, but if I had to give you an example of "true metal",...


Suffocation are, for all intents and purposes, my death metal home base. I was weaned on the mid-90s death metal scene in New York...


So, it would probably be a fair assumption that if you were considering getting this album, you’re a prior fan of Voivod. And, if...


For the sake of full-disclosure, I should come right out with it: I absolutely love Grunge, and even when pitted against my Metal, Punk,...


Distressingly, the majority of Yakuza reviews still focus heavily on the alchemical influence the Chicago music scene has had on the band – noise rock,...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...


From the chilly Scandinavian homeland which they draw their inspiration, Ensiferum sits atop the heap of modern folk-metal bands. Along with other genre standbys...


Maybe it has something to do with apocalyptic musings given to the year, but 2012 has already seen a lions share of bellowing, doom...


When asked where metal comes from, most fans will name The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany, and the Scandinavian lands as responsible for...


Ulver have long been known for their restless experimentation, flitting from black metal to folk to dark ambient and all things in between (mostly...


Six years is an eternity in metal years. Entire trends rise and die off in a mere half-decade with a fair amount of consistency....


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...


If Umskiptar offers me little else, it at least represents closure. I gave last year's Fallen good marks – a review I still stand...