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It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...


Purson's sophomore release, Desire's Magic Theatre, is their coming of age, a record that starts off with a ballad to DMT and gets better...


This is an album that points to a bold future for Palace Of Worms, one that Balan has been building for years now. So...


It would be a bit harder to believe that Opeth have been kicking around the metal scene for a full 25 years now if...


With limited vocals throughout, this eerie and intriguing release has just enough catchy riffs and ambient affects to cast an addicting spell over the...


Graves at Sea is triumphant; sounding like a unit bristling with animated energy and freshness despite having produced a work no one would be...


Howls Of Ebb are expanding what black metal can be, the real question is can you hold on for the whole journey?


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; David Castillo is one of today's most under-rated and significant individuals in the music industry....


It would not surprise me if Michael Keene granted permission for The Zenith Passage to pick up where Planetary Duality left off.


The Bendal Interlude bring it all together with their latest release. Can you handle the Death & Roll madness?


In a lot of ways it’s not what you’d expect. And that’s what makes it great.


Elevators To The Grateful Sky are getting ready to turn rock and roll on its head. Are you ready for them?


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


Redemption has been a pretty consistently successful prog act, being able to hang and tour with the likes of Dream Theater and others. Yet,...


It’s nice to be reminded that there’s still more aural destruction in the band’s fingertips via The Great Destroyer. An aptly titled album.


The Body's fifth full-length album certainly registers as "the grossest pop album of all time". Musicians who are as fluid and talented as Chip...


A) Sludge Metal B) Progressive Metal C) Post-Metal D) All of the above


Though stylistically adventurous, the unifying thread across The Gospel lies in adherence to an interrelated group of early-to-mid 1980's musical genres, namely the aforementioned...


Dissvarth are spacey, weird and powerful - expanding sonic platforms and forcing us to approach weird new realities.


If one were to get quartered as in the mid-evil days, that would be close to half of the brutality distinguished in Virulency's newest...


We proclaimed a little while ago that Ordinance is your new favorite band. If you want you Faceless with a bit more melody, your...


Regarding the legacy of the band prior to Justin's passing, I believe there has been a steady incline in both popularity and merit. And...