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Search results for "DRUMMER"


Paying no heed to the controversy/drama presently simmering beneath this band’s surface, the fact of the matter is Beelzefuzz do an excellent job of...


The sophomore effort from the Reading, PA based progressive death metal quartet sees the band continuing their consistency in delivering rock-solid and forward-thinking music.


Some combinations are just inevitably fantastic. Peanut butter and jelly. Chocolate cookies and milk. Black Sabbath and Clutch. With vocalist Neil Fallon and drummer...


When Ronnie James Dio tragically passed away in 2010, he was hands down the most significant artist (*) that the heavy metal community had...


Command Your Weather bears the most consistent blend of hooks and heaviosity in the Big Business catalog since that first statement of purpose, Head...


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.


Virginia's Inter Arma have created one of the greatest albums of the decade with their newest effort.


The integration between progressive and deathcore/death metal has been fusing for the past few years and it seems the latest emerging bands are finding...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!


Hailing from The Sword's own hometown of Austin, Texas and also featuring a retro sound heavily favoring 70's boogie riffs, Scorpion Child proudly sidestep...


Part of the joy of being a Melvins fan is the sense of discovery. Even after 30 years of sludge rocking their way around...


It's shocking in the same way that a '80s B-horror film is, and that's just the way Aborted want it. Step into the delightful...


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


Scratching all itches from black metal to doom to speculative hardcore with even occasional hints of the more gothic side of extreme metal, Creon...


A) Sludge Metal B) Progressive Metal C) Post-Metal D) All of the above


Stating Spiritual Beggars' Sunrise to Sundown would've been more well received 30 years ago is certainly no understatement, yet additionally the execution proves that...


The sophomore album from this Houston-based sextet ought to cement their place in the upper echelon of modern progressive metal.


Liturgical Black Metal of True Trinitarian Orthodoxy.


We proclaimed a little while ago that Ordinance is your new favorite band. If you want you Faceless with a bit more melody, your...


Bands such as Native Construct, Caligula's Horse, and now Moon Tooth provide a cohesive melting pot of all previous aspects of progressive metal. These...


Speed is Obscura’s strength; always has, always will be, apparently. A definite showing of this is exhibited in how even the rocket-paced tracks are...


Seeing as how done Abbath sounded in 2009, I wasn’t sure what to expect from his eponymous debut. Given that he was the primary...