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Search results for "GRIND"


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


Týr have long ago laid claim to their seat in the folk metal genre. In the eleven years since How Far to Asgaard, they...


After two EPs Atlanta, GA's Dead in the Dirt has unleashed their first proper full length on Southern Lord Records. The band has already...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


The fine lads over at Fuck the Facts kindly – yet casually – dropped this seven song, 16 minute nugget on an unsuspecting public a little...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...


Everyone has seen or heard that thing that someone just nailed head on; hitting the mark with only one shot as though they didn't...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


Be cautious when buying the new album from the Shining: if you are expecting a black metal opus, there may be confusion with their Swedish...


Just the name Grime is about all you need to take away to get an idea of whether you'll like their material or not....

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


There are thousands upon thousands of forgotten bands buried and rotting in the coffin of time. And while the heap is often justifiable hill...


If you can picture yourself sitting in the darkest space imaginable for years with nothing more than a pen to record and isolate your...

Latest News

When I saw Nails at New England Metal and Hardcore Fest in 2011, I was instantly won over. They had such a raw, no...


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...


Suffocation are, for all intents and purposes, my death metal home base. I was weaned on the mid-90s death metal scene in New York...


Grind has been making a comeback lately – its decline in both popularity and availability roughly traceable to Nasum's 2005 break up – and you'd...


I was a big fan of Rotten Sound's 2011 LP, Cursed, so I approached this new EP with high expectations, all of which were...


Well, it’s feels a little strange doing a Top 10 list since I haven’t completed a full year yet at MetalInjection. Also, I really...


Anaal Nathrakh have never presented themselves as black metal, but few bands outside that genre generate the kind of love-'em-or-hate-'em, spoilsport vibes these Brummie...


Distressingly, the majority of Yakuza reviews still focus heavily on the alchemical influence the Chicago music scene has had on the band – noise rock,...