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Acephalix breathe life into fetid, sepulchral death with crust punk beats and chest-bursting rage. Deathless Master is a subtle refinement of the ripping, rupturous...


Crossover thrash is a genre that can be traced back to Join The Army era Suicidal Tendencies and the very obviously titled Crossover by party...


Woods 4 was a resplendent, sprawling and morose masterpiece. Its protagonist, ultimately, was victorious in his travails, leaving the listener in a state of...


Sigh have always gotten by on a certain eclectic restlessness, an ADD amalgam of dichotomous moods and paraphrased genres. At times their sheer adventurousness...


I've been rooting for Seattle natives Black Breath since receiving their Razor to Oblivion EP in the mail back in 2008. Unfortunately, in my (admittedly minority)...


Along with American juggernauts Cannibal Corpse and Sweden's Spawn of Possession, France's Gorod have helped finish off what has been one of the best...


God Forbid is one of the most recognized names in American metal music. There’s never much negative criticism towards them, and with good reason;...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...


To me, when it comes to deathcore, bands and albums are pretty hit or miss.  It’s very much a gamble whenever I pick up...


When Cannibal Corpse released Evisceration Plague back in 2009, I couldn’t find myself really falling for it. Yes, Priests of Sodom and Scalding Hail...


Five years is certainly a long time to wait in-between album releases, but when your material is as daunting, dense and brutal as Spawn...


My interest in old school death’s rebirth has wandered; more and more bands are making less and less interesting music. On Voidbound, Manipulator stanch...


It’s always a bummer when something with the potential to be awesome ends up being pretty mediocre. There’s certainly a lot to like about...


I want to be dead with my friends. – "Underwater Bimbos from Outer Space" In the year 2012, with album #6 in the chamber,...


Legendary British heavy metallers Angel Witch have risen from the grave (once again) with their first studio album since 1998’s Resurrection. This new album,...


Beyond Black Sabbath, traditional doom puts me to sleep. My interest in the bleak arts is only piqued by the extraordinary; Pallbearer are precisely...


The twin pillars of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light represent the extended dissipation of the energy and tension first formed on 2008's The...


“All they have is just ‘bow-nuh, bow-duh-da-dow, we-dunna-weow-nee-nuh’” Just from hearing such a sample in “Punisher”, you immediately know that Veil of Maya aren’t...

Black Metal History

By 1993, the Norwegian black metal scene was engaged in an all-out, lo-fi war with mainstream death metal and the society that condoned it....


Taking his adage if not necessarily his credo from Emiliano Zapata, Matthew Widener (Cretin, Citizen) launches a new one man project in Liberteer, the flagship...

Black Metal History

Niege has once again metamorphosed into a new sound by creating the third Alcest album and almost completely shed his black metal roots. Les...


Being beaten to death is a pretty rudimentary way to go, in the context of extreme music. Norway’s Beaten To Death, however, are anything...