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Here's the New DARKEST HOUR Song, "Wasteland"

Warning: This song contains tasty riffs and a Pantera-esque guitar solo.

Warning: This song contains tasty riffs and a Pantera-esque guitar solo.

Darkest Hour recently announced their new self-titled album to be released August 5 via Sumerian Records. Now the group has given us a new track to let us know this is a record we're all going to want!

"Wasteland" is a churning stew of mid-paced riffs that delivers blow after blow to every vital part of the body and I'll be damned if the guitar solo around 2:45 doesn't sound exactly like something the late Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell would've come up with!

So go forth, jam and get hooked.


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Shout out to photographer Adam Zaspel.