Giraffe Tongue Orchestra, the band consisting of Ben Weinman (The Dillinger Escape Plan), Brent Hinds (Mastodon), Pete Griffin (Dethklok), Thomas Pridgen (ex-The Mars Volta) and Juliette Lewis (ex-Juliette And The Licks), appears to finally be done recording their debut album. The record has been gestating for quite some time now, but if these Instagram posts are to be believed, it looks like things are winding down!
Also, Alice In Chains frontman William Duvall is involved! What a kick ass surprise!
Behind the scenes #GTO writing session w Brent Hinds, Thomas Pridgen, Pete Griffin, & Ben Weinman. Watch this space for more exclusive behind the scenes deliciousness from #psinc @benweinman @bhinds @badassthomaspridgen @petegriffinbass #mastodon #dillingerescapeplan #behindthescenes A video posted by Party Smasher Inc (@partysmasherinc) on
It's probably safe to assume we're not getting the record this year despite the fact that we thought we might be, but 2016 seems viable!