Hi, what are you looking for?
There's a "huge announcement" coming soon, too.
The hotel shower door exploded. Seriously.
Who doesn't need surprise grind in their lives?
Old man yells at cloud, etc.
That could be cool, right?
There are a lot of text messages.
Kicking off this October.
They're going to spend the time with family and work on a new album.
"There are some good grooves on it that I think are really underappreciated."
The song just went triple platinum.
Because David is down.
The good news is that the new Metalocalypse movie Metalocalypse: Army Of The Doomstar is finally out after a decade of waiting. The bad...
"It's a terrible idea for a band to do that."
"We can't give a new date just yet but just know it's close."