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At The Movies

Rob Zombie To Direct A Movie Version Of Raised Eyebrows: My Years Inside Groucho’s House

Surprisingly not horror at all.

Surprisingly not horror at all.

When Rob Zombie isn't doing crazy ass horror movies, he's taking on some really interesting projects. Enter his upcoming adaptation of Raised Eyebrows: My Years Inside Groucho’s House, which is a book about Steve Stoliar memoir about being there for the last years of Groucho Marx. According to Splitsider

The book tells the bizarre story of the last years in the life of Groucho Marx, told by a young Marx Brothers fan who spent those years as his personal secretary and archivist. In addition to getting to know his hero, the author found himself in the orbit of Groucho’s brothers Zeppo and Gummo, Mae West, George Burns, Bob Hope, Jack Lemmon, S.J. Perelman, Steve Allen, and scores of other luminaries of stage, screen, TV and literature. The downside of this dream-come-true was getting close to his idol as the curtain was coming down, and dealing with Erin Fleming – the mercurial woman in charge of Groucho’s personal and professional life.

This should be really interesting, considering we're so used to seeing Zombie work on horror films and generally heavier music. No word on when the movie will start to be filmed but I'm hoping for sooner rather than later. This sounds like it could get really crazy! In the meantime, I'm probably going to read the book and so should you!

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