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Shocking Revelations

Here's What Corey Taylor Thinks About The "What Does Corey Taylor Think?" Meme

Well, here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for.

Well, here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for.

Whenever any metal media outlet posts anything about anyone's opinion, there's always the question of "what does Corey Taylor think" floating around in the comments section. Of course there are a million variations of it at this point, and it has become well-known enough that Metal Hammer absolutely had to ask the man himself.

So here's what Corey Taylor thinks about asking what Corey Taylor thinks!

How do you feel about having your own meme?

“I think it’s hilarious. It’s funny, because people act like I just toot my own fucking horn or chime in. I only give my opinion when people like you ask – I’m not online doing this shit. I think that meme is in reaction to the fact that my opinion gets picked up by a million fuckin’ media outlets, and then it’s turned into a thousand different news stories, and it’s taken so far out of fucking context that you have to trace it all the way back to the source material to figure out what’s being said.”

Is it annoying when that happens?

“It’s a pain in my ass, however the meme is hilarious. I love that it’s used in a way that takes the piss out of me but also takes the piss out of other people as well. It’s saying, ‘Stop doing this clickbait bullshit, we don’t care. If we did care, we would’ve read the fucking interview.’ I think it’s funny.”

So is this clickbait by virtue of us telling you what Corey Taylor thinks? Or the complete opposite because we've finally got some answers?

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Shout out to photographer Annie Atlasman.

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