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KING DIAMOND To Finally Begin A New Record After Mayhem Tour

Just in case you needed 2015 to be any better than it is.

Just in case you needed 2015 to be any better than it is.

King Diamond is a trooper. The man had heart surgery and it sounds like it was a horror beyond anything the man has ever written before, yet he still promised that there would be a new record in 2015. Now he's one of the headliners for the Mayhem Festival this year and while that's super exciting, it leaves the possibility of the new record up in the air… or it did, until Diamond cleared the air in a recent interview.

Diamond is confident that not only will a new album begin to materialize after the tour, but it'll be the best thing he's ever done with his band!

"Well, it's always great to do when you're on tour. I mean, I was supposed to be in the middle of writing right now, when suddenly we were… We were planning our own tour for this autumn, and suddenly we got the offer of doing [the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival]. And it kind of put a stop to the… 'Cause [my] home studio is ready now to go, but this [tour] is very important to do. So we don't wanna be rushed with writing a new album anyway. So we are gonna take our time, and it's gonna be the best you've ever heard from us — there's no doubt in my mind — 'cause we have all the tools at our fingertips this time. But it has put, you can say, the brakes on starting that process, so we'll pick it up when Mayhem is done. But it's always great to come off a tour and then start writing, 'cause you are very, very inspired. I am, certainly."

This would be King Diamond's first record since 2007's Give Me Your Soul… Please. You have to wonder after all that's happened, and eight years away from it all, where the group's head will be at for the new stuff?

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