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MUTOID MAN's New Track "Sweet Ivory" is Our Jam of the Day

What if Converge and Cave In members started a heavy hard rock band??

What if Converge and Cave In members started a heavy hard rock band??

I was converted to a Mutoid Man fan the moment I saw them for the first time at SXSW two years ago. It was an awesome time and the band were all energy. Featuring Cave In's Stephen Brodsky on guitar and vocals, the mad man drum style of Converge's Ben Koller and renowned sound engineer Nick Cageo on bass, this trio packs a serious punch.

They just premiered an awesome track, "Sweet Ivory" over at Rolling Stone and I'm on my fifth listen and still not bored:

The track is straight up rock and roll with a nice pinch of drum madness.

Mutoid Man's sophmore album Bleeder will be out June 30th on Sargent House.

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