Bongzilla will release their new record Dab City on June 2, but why wait to get high? Why not eat one too many edibles and space out right now? We're streaming Dab City in full below for that exact purpose.
"Dab City is an ode to the purest form of THC and our beloved hometown of Madison Wisconsin, which is known as Mad City," said Bongzilla of the record.
"A political and social hot bed and lightning rod for our state and the Midwest since the 1960's, Madison is also home to a large University with one of the best agronomy departments in the country and not surprisingly the focal point for some of the finest cannabis our country has to offer (Muleboy has not seen pot with seeds in it since arriving in 1993!) Although not legal, possession is basically ignored and punished with a nominal $1 fine for under 128 grams."
Pre-orders for Dab City are available here.