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MEGADETH To Release New Album In Spring 2022

The sick, the dying, and the dead are coming.

Dave Mustaine 58th Birthday

We've been talking about the new Megadeth record for what feels like years at this point, and it looks like the wait will soon be over. In an interview with American Songwriter magazine, guitarist and vocalist Dave Mustaine reveals that the new record will be out in spring 2022. Mustaine also seems to confirm that the record will be called The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead as he's previously mentioned.

"Set for release in spring 2022, Mustaine says the title track is about the plague, but not solely centered around the current pandemic. A broad, more historical scope of the diseases that have plagued humankind throughout time, 'The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead' covers the current virus, swine flu, and other epidemics from centuries past."

Mustaine also confirms that everyone in the band had a hand in the arrangement of the new songs.

The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead will be Megadeth's first with new drummer Dirk Verbeuren (ex-Soilwork). The album will also feature a mystery bassist in place of David Ellefson, who was recently fired from the band due to a very public sex scandal. Ellefson was removed from the album and his parts were re-recorded despite his requests for that not to happen.

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