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WINTERSUN's Time Has Come, Release Date and Video Updates Available

We reported several weeks back that Wintersun will be releasing the follow up to their 2004 self-titled debut later this year. Today we've received even better news, as it looks like they've finally marked down a release date of October 19th for the first half of the double album, Time. As you may recall Time will be released in two separate albums, Time I and Time II, which will make up the full 80 minutes of music originally written for the record. Time II can be expected in 2013, with no release date scheduled as of yet.

Despite all the great new records I've been hearing in 2012 so far, I'm still pretty excited for the thought of new Wintersun coming soon. I know I'm not alone in the anticipation as you can see from blogs and videos that have surfaced over the past 8 years, such as this one. The band has even released a few (not so revealing) studio trailers to pump you up for this release. Check them out: 

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