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When The Fuck Is This NECROPHAGIST Album Coming Out?

A few junkies have recently sent me some emails asking if I had happened to hear anything about this infamous new Necrophagist record that all of us fanboys have been patiently waiting for for almost seven years now (since their last release, Epitaph). The last we heard officially from mastermind Muhammed SuiƧmez was last July in this video interview where he mentioned they would have everything finished and delivered to the label by the end of Summer 2010. Clearly, that didn't happen. So we tried to get to the bottom of the situation.

Using my know-how, I spoke to somebody in the know about a Necrophagist release, off the record of course, and they have told me that Muhammed has entered the studio early this year and they are keeping their fingers crossed for a release for the album sometime this year. While it doesn't seem like the most confident response, it stills gives me hope that maybe one day…we may hear some more excellent shredding from Muhammed and company.

Do you think we'll ever see this release materialize?

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