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Bat 2024

Music Videos

BAT Gets Bitten In New "Revenge Of The Wolf" Music Video

A thrash attack if there ever was one.

Bat – the band featuring Municipal Waste guitarists Ryan Waste and Nick Poulos alongside drummer Chris Marshall – just released their new full-length album Under The Crooked Claw via Nuclear Blast Records. If you haven't checked it out yet, stream "Revenge Of The Wolf" above alongside its horror-laden music video. The whole thing is a blast.

Ryan Waste states, "The wait is finally over as our creation takes flight, sinking its claws into the airwaves. It was a true test of our will, caging this beast for what felt like an eternity. I'd especially like to thank my bandmates, Nick and Chris for their hard work and patience through the entire process. We wrote these songs during grim times and their ferocity is certainly emulated by that. Unleashing these tales of terror gives me a sense of fulfillment that is completely unmatched."

Chris Marshall added: "I still bear the scars from The Claw."

Nick Poulos said: "From note to note, speed on speed, to say I'm proud of Under The Crooked Claw is an absolute understatement. We poured our hearts, minds, and souls into this record and I'm so proud of what we accomplished. My favorite Bat offering to date!"

Under The Crooked Claw was recorded by Arthur Rizk and Yavé Rust, mixed by Rizk, and mastered by Joel Grind. The artwork for the album was inked by Brandon Holt and colored by Margaret Rolicki. Get it here.

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