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Watch An Entire Sean Reinert (CYNIC, DEATH) Drum Clinic From 1997

Sean Reinert was simply too good at drums.

The legendary drumming of Cynic and Death drummer Sean Reinert lives on not only in his music, but videos like these. Reinert's husband Tom posted a full drum clinic Reinert gave at a Floridian Guitar Center in 1997, and man does Reinert crush it.

Sean Reinert Drum Clinic from Guitar Center in Hallandale Florida February 1st 1997. This is a very rare video only a few people have seen. I'm posting it here on Seans youtube in his memory. Thanks to Joe Nunez (ex-Soulfly Drummer) for sending it to me after Sean passed away.

-Tom (Seans Husband)

Reinert passed away on January 24 after being found unresponsive in his home.

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