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THE AGONIST Introduce You to New Vocalist Vicky Psarakis


THE AGONIST Introduce You to New Vocalist Vicky Psarakis

The Agonist have been in the news a lot recently, mostly because their former vocalist has defected over to the Arch Enemy camp. The Agonist took on new vocalist Vicky Psarakis for the position, but not much was known about her… until now at least. Damn this girl can scream and sing! Check out the video below for all the footage of her and the band in the studio. The girl has some serious chops and I can't wait to hear her on the new stuff!

Speaking of the new stuff, the band are currently in the studio with Cryptopsy producer Chris Donaldson knocking out a new one due out this fall. Sounds heavy! Or at least in the video it does. The new single the band put out sounds heavy as well, so better the two I have faith.


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