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RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Drops Documentary Killing In Thy Name

Exploring "fiction known as whiteness and a spring for discovery."

Rage Against The Machine has just released a new documentary called Killing In Thy Name. According to Kerrang!, the documentary explores "fiction known as whiteness and a spring for discovery"

"Living in the States, you’re living in one of the most brutal societies in the history of the world," said vocalist Zack de la Rocha."​The country who inherited the genocide of the Native American people. A country which participated in slavery.

"Any society or any government or any system that is set up solely to profit a wealthy class while the majority of the people toil and suffer and sell their labor power, so long as that system’s only true motive is profit interest and not the maintenance and the betterment of the population, to meeting human needs, then that society should not stand. It should be challenged and questioned and overthrown."

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