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POHL Stays Sludgy With New Single "The Whale"

Slow down!

If you need something extra sludgy to slow down your day, check out this new Pohl single! We're stoked to stream Pohl's latest track "The Whale" (alongside a video by Benji Wilson) from their debut album Mysteries, due out on July 26 via Wrong Speed Records.

"I suppose you could say that 'Mysteries' is an album about grief," said guitarist and vocalist Will Pearce. "How we live with grief, and how we overcome it. When you're trapped in the belly of the beast, and all seems lost – how do you come back from that? All I can say is that sometimes you eat the whale, and sometimes the whale eats you."

Mysteries was recorded at the band's own Cool World studio and mixed by serial collaborator and producer Wayne Adams. Pre-orders are available here.

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