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Search results for "Ages"


Slipknot are bringing back the heavy.

Shocking Revelations

Hello me, meet the real me - on the deck of the ship in about five minutes.


Wasteland proves that while guitarist Piotr Grudziński’s passing indefinitely changed their dynamic, Riverside certainly has a second life as an empowered trio.

Metal Merch

How is Gene Simmons not involved here?

Injection Reflection

Oh my god, it's autumn! Where did summer go? The year is almost over!! Here is what you missed this week: Classic Guitar Ads...

Upcoming Releases

Babymetal are finally revealing their story.

Upcoming Releases

A much-talked-about Chris Cornell rarities set has been confirmed to be released in November. The box set was curated by Cornell's wife, Vicky, with...


On their latest album, The Wake, legendary Canadian progmeisters Voivod show their creativity and innovation is as strong as ever.


While the Deafheaven comparison can be justified, Further Still emerges more like a crusty punk rocker hell bent on grinding it out like latter...

In The Studio

Christ continues to rot, as he does.

At The Movies

The movie does not feature any Celtic Frost music, that we know of.

Song Premiere

Mexican black metal stretches as far into the past as does the second wave of black metal in Scandinavia. Bands like Xibalba Itzaes (formerly known...

Upcoming Releases

Are the maggots ready?

Latest News

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Mass Grave’s Our Due Descent.

Metal Injection Exclusives

Get an inside look of Montreal's metal scene!

At The Movies

Bill & Ted & Hitler?!?


With a four-year gap between records, two lineup changes and an entire rerecording, it was fair for anticipation of Skyharbor's long-awaited third album to...

New Music

It sounds like an outtake from The Stage

New Music

Capturing one's attention in long-form music can often be an arduous task. There are many bands, in black metal in particular, who are able...