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Few bands keep the rock and roll magic alive as well as Mirror. Find out why!

Weekly Injection

Hey hey nerds! This week includes some prog pop mainstays, death metal goodness, beautiful black metal, ugly shit, and more! To the metals…


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...

Music Videos

Devilment, featuring Cradle Of Filth frontman Dani Filth, has a new music video for its song "Sanity Hits A (Perfect) Zero" and it's pretty...


Summer 2015 is in full effect! For you youngins that means late night adventures and no school. For you respectable adults who spend most...


I'm digging these new psychedelic vibes The Sword are dealing out. We've already heard one new track, "High Country," that was a fun trippy...

Weekly Injection

The Tuesday version of this piece is coming to a close this month in favor of a Friday one. Look forward to this?!? Anywhoozle,...

Cinema Fix

Raunchy teenage fun with tons of rock 'n' roll hi-jinx.

Latest News

Looks like we've got another CBGB's on our hands...


There are few bands as divisive, as utterly polarizing, as Cradle of Filth. Bashing them was second nature from the mid to late nineties...

Live Footage

Dave Mustaine raved about the crowd and he was right. This is a hungry crowd ready for Megadeth. Here is the setlist: 01. Hangar...

Latest News

Who's the guy who will be standing a few feet behind Zakk in promo photos? We have the answer!

Upcoming Releases

The low-end purveyors of two of the Big 4 of Thrash have united for a new project. Megadeth bassist David Ellefson and Anthrax bassist...

Upcoming Releases

Gwar just released their latest record Battle Maximus, but why stop at just releasing a record? Why not look ahead into 2014 and plan a...

Live Footage

LA Record called The Shrine "the kind [of music] that …owes as much to Black Flag…as that album owes to Black Sabbath." SOLD! Check...


Yesterday, everybody was impressed with James Hetfield's curated playlist on Spotify and I guess Spotify were so impressed that they asked Lars to contribute...


James Hetfield has been described to me by people in the know as "strictly a rock guy" and I always wondered what would pop...


This album has gotten so much bad press that it's hard to approach with an open mind. As a huge Megadeth fan, and someone...


White Wizzard get all throwback-ey with their new jam "Kings of the Highway," and in no way is that a bad thing.


If their recent history is any guide, Anthrax has made a great comeback. After a string of mediocre albums and a some time spent...