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Upcoming Releases

The hype for Sepultura's next album has died down a bit in the last few weeks, I'm assuming since the band is done recording, but...

Injection Reflection

I want to send a huge thank you to Greg Kennelty for absolutely killing it today taking over the blog for me as I am...

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Roadrunner have been a record label since 1980 and have naturally accured one hell of a back catalogue for fans to dive into. To...

Upcoming Releases

This week's injection will totally paint me in a bad mood or something. I'm actually quite excited. I'm about to crack open a bottle...


The landscape of metal fifteen years ago looks completely different than what we hear being made today… people were still hoping Limp Bizkit was...

br00tal Comedy

I am loving this influx of kids playing metal lately, like 6-year-old Aaralyn and her brother Izzy who recently tried out for America's Got...

br00tal Comedy

Jonah is a seven year old shredder on the drums. See these other kids shred: This 12-Year-Old Boy Will Make You Want To Quit...

Around the Interwebs

As you know, this Sunday, June 16th is Father's Day. I'll take a beat here while many of you go, "oh fuck! it is!?!"...

Injection Reflection

There was a lot of big news this week, we heard further (although smaller) developments in the Tim Lambesis trial, Jeff Hanneman's memorial celebration...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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The Revolver Golden Gods Awards are only two weeks away, which is insane. Today, the organizers announced a new performance scheduled as well as...


It's hard to come up with a genre classification that Italy's Nero Di Marte easily fit into. That makes writing about the band a little...

Injection Reflection

While this was a relatively slow news week, the big story was clearly Black Sabbath revealing their new album artwork and a snippet of...

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Kvelertak's upcoming album, Mier, is going to be a really fun record. I got an advance of it, and let me tell you, it's...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal....

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we got our panties in a bunch when Behemoth posted a photo of themselves hanging out with Ross Robinson, famed...

Injection Reflection

This was a huge week for metal news, with Randy's indictment, the Barge To Hell cruise, Carcass confirming their new album and Mastodon confirming...

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A few months back, we posted about the richest drummers in rock and were surprised to learn that Dave Grohl outgrossed Metallica drummer Lars...


I've always found the practice of naming such a strange and fascinating concept. Today more than ever we put such a huge importance on...

Latest News

Halloween is not just a time for awesome pumpkin carvings, it's a time to play dress up. While my Danzig costume didn't go exactly...

Injection Reflection

There's a storm coming, so we're leaving you stocked with plenty of non-perishable news items and videos for the weekend. This was an interesting...


You often hear musicians talk about the importance of practicing an instrument, but it's not something you get to see them do regularly. I...


We've had our fun with All That Remains in the past, namely their (not) homophobic, gun-toting frontman, Phil LaBonte. I wasn't too crazy about...