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Upcoming Releases

Fortus said that he thinks the new record "will happen faster than you think."

Metal In The Mainstream

"So 2020, we're fighting — we're getting all of the metal labels that we know."

Upcoming Releases

"To jump to that burning question: 'When's the record coming out?' I appreciate it, I appreciate it."

Hot Take

Next he'll claim he was responsible for the first moon landing.

Metal Crimes

He was released after posting the $50,000 surety bond.

Shocking Revelations

This story just gets wilder.

Upcoming Releases

Featuring Randall Blythe, Arch Enemy's Alyssa White-Gluz and even Chester Bennington.

Tour Dates

A killer tour for 2019.

New Music

Heavy, unrelenting and triumphant, the sonic glory of Greenbeard is in full display on this latest offering.

Shocking Revelations

"The image is a photograph from 1994, I just happened to look like a cartoon."