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Search results for "though"


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...


Straightedge metallic hardcore punk brimming with breakdowns – who needs more of this stuff? Turns out that a well-done X-fest is surprisingly refreshing in...

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This video is one of the reasons why YouTube is so amazing. Non-stop hilarity, and even though Kermit is singing, the song is still...


Dokken's 1979 demo, Back in the Streets (available for free download here), is worth hearing, as it's quite unlike what the name Dokken typically...


What Gojira was last year, Hacride is this year – a French metallic missile that should detonate devastatingly across the Atlantic. Put away those...


The Fetus is back – faster than ever, and still fierce as hell.  Despite an endlessly revolving door of personnel, the Maryland band has been...


On its debut full-length, San Diego's Warface serves up no-frills, old-school death metal. Suffocation comes to mind in the death growls, blastbeats alternating with...

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Florida blackened death metal band INFERNAEON frontman Brian Werner has been interviewed by About.com and covered details surrounding the band's debut release, "A Symphony...


In some ways, this album (and this review) is a triumph against the odds. First, Equal Vision sent this CD in a plain, unpromising...


When you review the band responsible for your employer's theme song, your hands are a little tied. The opening riffs of "Praise the Lord...


It's interesting how hardcore punk is reaching outside itself for inspiration these days. More specifically, it's reaching back in time. There's the whole punk...


At the moment, the main selling point for Laethora is that its lineup includes guitarist Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity. A skilled graphic designer...

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SEEMLESS Frontman Jesse David Leach posted online a very heart felt and inspirational "challenge" to his fellow musicians today on an official SEEMLESS Myspace...

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The cover artwork for the new VITAL REMAINS album, "Icons of Evil", has been posted online at this location. Due on April 3, "Icons...

Tour Dates

U.K. death metallers AKERCOCKE will team up with TED MAUL and CEPHALIC CARNAGE for a tour of the U.K. and Ireland. The dates are...


The term "metalcore" has become practically meaningless. When Killswitch Engage, Full Blown Chaos, and Converge fit into the same category, it might as well...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...


Impious' Holy Murder Masquerade has amazingly ingenious liner notes. They take the form of a comic book, with the lyrics as speech and thought...

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PANTHEON I guitarist, John Espen Sagstad, recently caught up with ANTENNA and talked about the future of the band: Antenna: Your new album has...

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Earache Records is celebrating their 20th anniversary by doing a bunch of reissues and compilations…typical label retrospective-type stuff. Where other labels who have recently...

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Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the MEGADETH Forums: "I will have an announcement to make concerning our upcoming tour dates and...

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CEPHALIC CARNAGE have entered the studio to record their as-yet-untitled new full-length album. The band is recording their follow-up to "Anomalies" in their own...


Well, this rips. Plain and simple. It isn't the most original album around, but Year of Desolation's debut is a ferocious blend of death...