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Search results for "BREATH"

Show Recap

Ah yes, San Francisco’s famous Warfield theater. It’s been a long time since I’ve set foot here. The line for the door passes urine...


Ingurgiting Oblivion is a Berlin-based band who are revered in underground death metal circles, but who never really got their just deserved praise until 2014's...

The Wednesday Sludge

Getting lost in the cold sludge and droning environments of Ire Wolve's Heirs.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Vulva Essers Lysergic Static.

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, it is the weekend. What better way to start it off than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday." This weekly column...


Not many long-in-the-tooth metal bands manage to shake things up this late in their careers, but 25 years after their first album Body Count...

The Thinking Man

Overall, Tetrafusion reminds me a little bit of early Dream Theater, has its Rush moments, and gets me nostalgic for the car rides back...


Mastodon return with their long-awaited new effort, Emperor of Sand. What stylistic twists will they throw at us this time?


Demon Hunter return with the familiar yet fresh Outlive.

Latest News

"The band's been around 15 years this year — it's kind of classic at this point."

The Obituarist

The Obituarist back again with another potent dose of sick underground metal to wreck your neck just in time for spring!

The Thinking Man

Greetings Prog Dogs (no one calls you that)! In my last entry into the Thinking Man's Thursday series, I discussed the band Hemina and...


Heartless offers a brilliant summation of an illustrious, though youthful, career. Its shift in tone and musical ambition may alienate some of the more...

Upcoming Releases

Katatonia, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Alice In Chains, Warbringer, etc.

Upcoming Releases

The Dillinger Escape Plan, Motorhead, Darkthrone, Today Is The Day, Coheed & Cambria, the list goes on...


With brutal hardcore and soaring metal, Darkest Hour reaches an outstanding achievement in Godless Prophets & the Migrant Flora


Brits have been starved of heavy metal on their TV screens. Here are ten stellar performances that managed to make their way onto the...


Stalking the Ghost is not the end-all or grand evolution of the doom/sludge genre, but it is a good incantation.

The Thinking Man

Gates' 2014 album Bloom And Breathe should be revered as a progressive classic. Here's why.