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Search results for "PROGRESSIVE"


Several years ago, I discovered Binary Code through the release of their Moonsblood album. After reviewing and serving up high praise for that record,...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include orchestral black metal (or rather black metal with an orchestra?), technical rhythms, shredding, and more!  To the...

Upcoming Releases

Progressive metal perfection coming soon!


In The Company Of Serpent’s first album as a trio explores light as the prima materia—in other words, the core building block of existence....

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some more deeper cuts than normal with riffs, blast beats, fuzz, and more! To the metals...


Hard to believe its been 15 years since August Burns Red released Thrill Seeker. Once the young frontrunners of metalcore, they’ve matured into one...

New Music

Upcoming album includes guest guitarists Kevin Hufnagel (Gorguts, Dysrhythmia), Bobby Koelble (Death, Nader Sadek), Tony Das (Bhoomi, Peepal Tree), and Michael Wöss (Agathodaimon, Sektor)


Often, I'm reminded of Profanatica's first interview,  a grainy VHS dispatch immortalized on the internet. The cult trio huddle around two candles, their faces smudged...


If you’re looking for some new metal that’s consistently guttural, fast, and absorbing, Old Smoke will definitely satisfy.


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


Considering what’s going on in the world at the moment, a more suitable title for this, Ulcerate’s sixth album, might have been ‘Stare into...

New Music

The tune evokes Opeth, Haken, and Dream Theater while also showcases a healthy dose of enticing originality (and the accompanying visuals offer a great...


Catharsis comes in many forms, and with that, the release and expression of emotions. This is what fuels and conceives most art, and within...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include prog sad boys, shelter at home circle pits, difficult to Google bands, and more! To the metals...

Breakups & Shakeups

Only guitarist and vocalist Steffen Kummerer remains.

Metal Crimes

Remember Corelia? You'd be forgiven if you didn't. The progressive band made waves in 2011 with their release, Nostalgia. Four years later, they launched...


Featuring Kauan, Captain Beyond, Judas Priest, Ayreon, Camel, Mastodon, and more!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some death metal, some more death metal, and more!  To the metals...


Featuring Employed to Serve, Meshuggah, Periphery, Rage Against the Machine, and Jinjer!


Need some progressive-heavy-epic-doom-metal to get you through these trying times? Swedish lords of sombre Katatonia are back with their long-awaited new album City Burials,...

Full Album Stream

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're...