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"I love the way the last two songs on Reign In Blood — “Postmortem” and “Raining Blood” — go into each other. I can...

Injection Reflection

It's been an eventful week. Here are the most trending stories of the last week of January… SLIPKNOT And KORN Members Covered BEASTIE BOYS...


The Seattle boys deliver as always.

Best of 2014

After pouring over piles of releases and looking back on some of the brilliant music that emerged this year, it became apparent that this...

Latest News

Tributes from Vinnie Paul, Avenged Sevenfold's M. Shadows, Max Cavalera and more.


Those that grew up in the early 2000s probably already know who The Banner is. The goth/hardcore-punk/metal tyrants bolstered a heavy fixation on horror...

Weekly Injection

It's officially peanut butter trees season. Pardon me while I get fat. This edition includes tech, atmosphere, dissonance, and more! To the metals…


Perhaps there’s no greater love letter to our sweaty, hedonistic subculture than the heavy metal cover song. Metal kids grow up playing along to...


If these names mean nothing to you, perhaps some research is necessary.


Obituary is releasing their latest moldering chunk of sonic grave-soil via Relapse Records. Entitled Inked in Blood, the new one began officially embalming Eustachian...

Shocking Revelations

King exposed Dimebag to the thrashier side of metal.

Breakups & Shakeups

Band members quitting left and right!

Music Videos

It's October again. That glorious month when the rest of America venerates witches, demons, and ghouls almost as much as the typical headbanger does...

Shocking Revelations

Their new tour starts today!


September 12th marks the third anniversary of the most recent Anthrax album, Worship Music, so let’s hope this cherry on the cake – a...


When discussions are had about hotbeds of heavy metal activity in the United States, it's safe to say that Ohio is never on the...

Bummer Alert

No cause of death is known at this time.


When your public nemesis is the likes of Gene Simmons, it's not difficult to come off as the sympathetic party in the Kisstory war...


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...

Fuck Yes!

A conflict isn't going to stop Behemoth from playing their show as promised…

RIP a Livecast

We begin this week's show with some tales from Rob's adventures at Mayhem Fest. We also learn what shirt not to wear when saying...