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Search results for "deserve"


2016 has been a blur. There have been some seriously great records, some records that fell a little short of expectations, and records that...


You Will Never Be One of Us is brief, brutal and devastatingly effective. It’s everything an extreme music fan could want.


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


There is probably not going to be a better death metal record coming out this year. But should we even bother calling this death...

Metal Science

It ain't over until it's over for AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson.


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


Purson's sophomore release, Desire's Magic Theatre, is their coming of age, a record that starts off with a ballad to DMT and gets better...

This is painfully true.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Being a super niche genre like technical death metal means there are a whole host of bands that hardcore obsessive tech-death heads will know,...

Upcoming Releases

It's the new/old Protest The Hero EP you've (likely) not heard any of!

Bummer Alert

Brian Johnson finally speaks!


A taste of what Axl Rose in AC/DC would sound like…


Look. There's awesome folk metal, and then there's bullshit. This is not bullshit.


Lamb Of God have been breaking boundaries for extreme metal bands left and right. But are they the new Metallica?


In a lot of ways it’s not what you’d expect. And that’s what makes it great.

Weekly Injection

This edition might be the most diverse Weekly Injection yet with EDM metal, oodles of bass slaps, Mike Patton moaning, and more! To the...

Music Videos

Stoner rock for days with plenty of riffs to pass around.

The Obituarist

Hello again hellions, Trevor, The Obituarist here… ready to yet again guide your sweaty little fingers to the pulse of the extreme metal underground.