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Search results for "REVOLUTION"


As much as I love metal music, once Thanksgiving passes, I get suddenly get full of holiday cheer like nobody’s business. And one of...

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Now, this is a fucking tour! Six Feet Under has announced that they will be going on tour next month with grind-masters Cattle Decapitation...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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We are so excited to premiere this new track from a new band called Climaxes. The group features Evan Brewer on bass, a guy...

Upcoming Releases

Good reviews all around this week (kind of). But still, my relative good mood aside, we've got some genuinely awesome stuff coming out, from...

Tour Dates

With Halloween only a few months away, it was imminent that GWAR would return from Planet Scumdogia to take over North America once again....

Upcoming Releases

With new releases from Serj Tankian and P.O.D. this week, I feel like I'm a 13-year-old outcast in a corner with a portable CD...

Tour Dates

Kill Devil Hill is keeping it DIY or die. These guys are total road warriors, who don't expect to just rest on their laurels....

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...


Some of histories greatest bands weren’t extremely revolutionary, original, or pioneering a new way of life through their music. Some of them simply did...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...


We love Nachtmystium around these parts, as if the copious amounts of live footage we've amassed wasn't a giveaway. We are really excited about their new album,...

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...


It's only Tuesday? That's kind of a bummer, why can't it be the weekend for a whole week, am I right? Thankfully, we have...

Tour Dates

Now I have never been one to pine for residency in the south but this announcement almost makes me want to saddle up and...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...

Tour Dates

Watch interviews and music videos from all the bands playing this year's Summer Slaughter! Finally! Finally! Finally! The promoters of the Summer Slaughter tour...

Tour Dates

Two bands with dudes from much more popular bands are teaming up together for the unofficial Side Project tour. I made that name up,...


Five years is certainly a long time to wait in-between album releases, but when your material is as daunting, dense and brutal as Spawn...


Taking his adage if not necessarily his credo from Emiliano Zapata, Matthew Widener (Cretin, Citizen) launches a new one man project in Liberteer, the flagship...

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I can't believe it's been 10 years since the debut of Andrew WK's seminal party album, I Get Wet. To celebrate, one of our...

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Remember back in October how excited you were at the rumors that Metallica was working on a 3D concert film with Journey To The...


I have to hand it to Periphery drummer Matt Halpern, he's actually doing it. I've known about his project, BandHappy.com for quite a while....