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Well it looks like the other shoe has dropped for Kyuss Lives! If dealing with a bassist who might be arraigned for 15 years...


If you are one of the many Metal Injection junkies really excited about this new Jeff Loomis solo record, you'll be happy to know...


Obligatory reminder to check out our previous installments: Metal Injection Metal Guide to SXSW 2012 Part 1: Stoner / Doom / Sludge Metal Injection...

Upcoming Releases

GWAR are some of the hardest working professional musicians I have ever met. These guys focus on every aspect of presentation and also make...

Upcoming Releases

The Melvins always know how to keep busy, and busy they will be this Spring as they embark on a tour with Unsane. They will...


Beyond Black Sabbath, traditional doom puts me to sleep. My interest in the bleak arts is only piqued by the extraordinary; Pallbearer are precisely...

Black Metal History

Well, February is over with and thus concludes another awesome round of Black Metal History Month. If you missed any of the awesomeness, here...


The twin pillars of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light represent the extended dissipation of the energy and tension first formed on 2008's The...


“All they have is just ‘bow-nuh, bow-duh-da-dow, we-dunna-weow-nee-nuh’” Just from hearing such a sample in “Punisher”, you immediately know that Veil of Maya aren’t...

Latest News

In the trenches of vile, visceral music, first impressions are everything; I’m in this for the thrill. Nephelium go straight for the entrails on...

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...

Hand Ov Doom

Metal Injection presents: The Hand ov Doom, two hours of militant metal ritual radio and filth! Infernal Proclamators Ben Danger and Robben the Grave...

Tour Dates

Talk about an odd couple… Rob Zombie and Megadeth are going to be touring together this spring. Zombie will be closing out all the...


What a day for new music! Let's wrap it up today with some blistering thrash from Municipal Waste. The Waste will release The Fatal...


Earlier this month, Bill Ward released a statement stating that he was not partaking in a Sabbath reunion because of a contact dispute. There...

Latest News

A few days ago, we posted a story with the headline Dave Mustaine has a Santorum fetish, where we quoted the Megadeth frontman saying...

Latest News

Every year, the Revolver Golden Gods Awards ends up being the biggest party of the year when it comes to metal. We always run...

Hand Ov Doom

Metal Injection presents: The Hand ov Doom, two hours of militant metal ritual radio and filth! Infernal Proclamators Ben Danger and Robben the Grave...


Darkthrone main man Fenriz has an affinity for making mixtapes for Vice, and I have an affinity for listening to it. This mixtape was...

Latest News

While Treme has aired for two seasons on HBO, I've only managed to catch the first, and it was brilliantly depressing. I genuinely felt bad for these...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...

Latest News

I'm not sure how this leaked, but who cares. Thanks to Brandon Geist, editor of Revolver for the heads up. THERE IS A NEW...


Things are heating up with this Black Sabbath drama. To quickly recap, drummer Bill Ward released a public statement saying he could not commit...