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Few songs say “fuck the system” quite like these ten incendiary tracks.

Latest News

The Zenith Passage, The Drip, Aneglmaker, Arkaik, Jungle Rot, Gozu, and a bunch more are in the running.

Song Premiere

There’s a creeping carnivorous feeling that arises when listening to Australia’s dissonant black/death metal unit Norse.

Weekly Injection

This edition features bands I put no effort into pronouncing correctly, some 000-00000-----0000000, soaring prog and more! To the metals...

Thrash Attack

Ice Giant take to adventure in their self-titled debut release

Tour Dates

The Black Dahlia Murder will be playing Nocturnal in full! Also, Oceano, Slaughter To Prevail, Lorna Shore, etc.

Upcoming Releases

"We have now fully immersed ourselves in the making of a new album that will be recorded at summer's end."

Injection Reflection

The weekend is here, and we can reflect back and see there were some crazy events in the metal world this week: MARILYN MANSON...


Gospels of Scum is a wood-chipper for the senses.

The Thinking Man

Overall, Tetrafusion reminds me a little bit of early Dream Theater, has its Rush moments, and gets me nostalgic for the car rides back...

Latest News

The first pressing of The Blackening had a piece of lint accidentally scanned into the artwork.

The Wednesday Sludge

Going down under for some rock driven sludge in DEAD's upcoming release: We Won't Let You Sleep

Show Recap

Austin Terrorfest left the gathered masses utterly decimated. Here's how it went down.

Weekly Injection

This edition features a deathcore band playing deathcore, some prog (greetings prog dogs!), some epicness, and more! To the metals…

Upcoming Releases

I must once again state in the interest of full disclosure that while I write for Metal Injection and produce the podcast Far Beyond...


With the continued – and intentional – contraction of SXSW in 2017, an effort between SXSW, the business entity, and the city of Austin...


France's Benighted have returned with Necrobreed, a gore-riddled deathgrind assault that's among some of the most extreme and feral the genre has ever seen.