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Search results for "scent"


Passage into the Xexanotth is an unearthly descent into a primordial hellscape and should utterly annihilate any notion that Chthe'ilist’s 2016 debut was a...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Warfuck’s This Was Supposed to Be Fun.

New Music

The verses sound like Deftones and the choruses sound like Architects. What's not to love?

Gear Gods

Better known as 66Samus, and no – the video isn't 56 minutes long.


Sludge metal is a genre that is, to say the least, overplayed. It's a genre that many might justifiably argue has been played out...


Ámr is easily one of Ihsahn’s most focused, dynamic, and overall impressive sequences to date.

Upcoming Releases

Deafheaven premiered their new track "Honeycomb" yesterday, which was immediately followed up by rumors of a new album titled Ordinary Corrupt Modern Love. Today,...

The Obituarist

Howdy nerds, The Black Dahlia Murder’s Trevor Strnad as The Obituarist here.  Your favorite hunter of all things underground, hellbent on bringing you some skull cracking...

Full Album Stream

The international effort's debut has been a long time coming, but it was certainly worth the wait.


Recently, a New York Times’ tech reporter wrote a piece about spending a couple of months deliberately ignoring the digital news, internet newsfeeds. Time spent...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


FFO: Dillinger Escape Plan, Mastodon, Moon Tooth...

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...


Howling Sycamore is one of those new projects that immediately struck gold. Labeling this simply as progressive metal would not be doing this act...


Nowadays, metal scenes aren't exactly regional. Yes, some countries may possess more of a specific metallic subgenre than others, yet as a whole, the...

Tour Dates

Metallica is hitting some smaller cities on their upcoming US tour

Tour Dates

It's not called "Creeping On The Gates Of Hell Tour 2018," which is disappointing.