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"To jump to that burning question: 'When's the record coming out?' I appreciate it, I appreciate it."

Hot Take

Next he'll claim he was responsible for the first moon landing.

Metal Crimes

He was released after posting the $50,000 surety bond.

Best of 2018

There were a lot of great vocal performances this year, but which singer stood out among the rest? We've narrowed it down to our...

Shocking Revelations

This story just gets wilder.


The Greek black metal kings are back with one of their most dynamic and all encompassing records to date!

Best of 2018

There were so many great releases this year, and sonically, this might be the best sounding year ever. And it couldn't be done with...

Shocking Revelations

"The image is a photograph from 1994, I just happened to look like a cartoon."

Latest News

Uh, where's the metal?


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. For...

Best of 2018

One of Metal Injection's newest reviewers shares his favorites from the year!

Metal Merch

AC/DC guitarist Angus Young will soon be in your house.

Best of 2018

The Monday Grind's Chris Luedtke picks his favorite albums from the year!


O'Brien is potentially facing a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Metal Crimes

Specifically aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon and burglary of an occupied dwelling with assault or battery.