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Search results for "Hard"


"Every member of 200 Stab Wounds brings heavy excellence to this album, and fans of the style should be thoroughly satisfied."


"Another win for Alcest, Les chants de l'aurore might be on the best album of the year lists for 2024."

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Plus Ingested, The Zenith Passage, and Disembodied Tyrant.


"The overall growth of this band is so apparent in Fire and I hope Kittie finally has the full support and success they’ve always...

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"I love reggae music. I think the scene is probably bigger now than ever."

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Plus releases from Alcest, Seven Spires, Black Veil Brides, and Cavalera Conspiracy.

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Subdued introspection mixed up with unrelenting heaviness

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"I have serenely decided to accept it in consideration of these almost 10 wonderful years spent together"

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"There are a lot of bands who do the old stuff. So, we have to find our new niche, what we're doing.”

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"He said to me, 'I'd love Sabbath to do a couple of songs, two or three songs, as the final show ever'"