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Search results for "Ages"


"Their new album is a fascinating and gripping work of black metal art that opens up a vortex only Blut Aus Nord could let...


"The genre-bending Perfect Saviors is likely their most confidently and satisfyingly adventurous release thus far."


"The resurrection of this now veteran entry of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal has been greeted by the audience with the levels...

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Allegations of racism have been thrown around.

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Saying someone should be "burned to death" feels like a little much.


"Spirit Adrift never sacrifices quality for quantity, and with its heartfelt songwriting and dynamic arrangements, Ghost at the Gallows is likely the best example...

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Schaffer has been assisting the government as part of a plea deal.

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"I could never understand why anybody would get paid more than me for my work."

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"I think you can consider this album as the continuation of Days Of The Lost."

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"... A lot of thinking, a lot of moving parts you have to deal with..."


"At times playful, philosophical, and downright pulverizing (sometimes in immediate succession), it’s a nearly flawless creation full of genre-splicing adventurousness and emotional zigzags."


"'Mutants' really demonstrates how versatile Mutoid Man is."