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Search results for "converge"

Matching Tags: Converge

Twenty Nine-Scene

Hot Damn! was great, is still great, and will always be great.

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. I'm excited to be back bringing new music to your ears all year...

Best of 2018

I started this in 2016 in an effort to effectively calculate what we, the Metal Injection writers, were collectively fans of. For 2018, I...


It's funny how you don't really hear the term 'New Wave of American Heavy Metal' tossed around anymore. The musical output around the turn...

Latest News

Looks like Stephen Brodsky will fill Caleb Scofield's shoes.

It's Just Business

What are the biggest rock and metal bands on Spotify? Well, turns out some bands are making it very helpful to see who stands...


It's an honor to welcome one of my all-time favorites, RAVEN to the show. Throughout his career, Raven hit all the major promotions –...


Everything, from the acrid, biting vocals to the pummeling, dissonant fretwork is emblematic of hardcore punk's best traits. When A Patient Man clicks, which...

The Obituarist

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! It’s been a while. I am back from a shallow grave and trying to play catch up on ton of...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Aubrey Sitterson, the author of The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling, sits in with Rob on the podcast this episode. We talk about...


To save myself from eye-rollers and naysayers in regards to the use of subgenres in order to define a band's sound, I fully agree...


Everything from Artificial Brain, Dødheimsgard and Suffocation to Black Sabbath, Nevermore, and Steve Vai.

New Music

"Ode To Bedlam" is a massive, swaggering industrial track that will probably blow your headphones or speakers right the hell out.

Tour Dates

Another amazing line up in the books!


High On Fire's Matt Pike gets real on Electric Messiah, the dangers of technology and Lemmy.

New Music

This is just flat out incredible and stupid heavy.


There's a good reason for the buzz around Jesus Piece. This is some seriously crushing hardcore.