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Metal Injection Exclusives

Watch as Revocation drummer Phil Dubois-Coyne walks around the New York City stop of the Summer Slaughter tour, interviewing every band, which includes The Dillinger Escape...

Tour Dates

Beneath the Massacre are all set to tour North America (and a little Canada) this October! Come in for all the details!

Tour Dates

Late Friday, The Chariot announced they'd be doing one more tour and they're done for. If you've never seen the band livee and like...

Upcoming Releases

Turing twenty-five was pretty rough. Becoming "a quarter century old," as everyone liked to remind me, does get you a lot of free drinks...

Show Recap

Almost missed this one. Summer Slaughter hadn't rolled through Austin since 2010, and I was under the impression this year was no different (looks like the...

Injection Reflection

Did metal take the week off? I mean, I know it's summer and all but it seems like barely anything happened this week, other...


The Summer Slaughter tour is in full-effect. The traveling extreme metal festival kicked off last Friday in Santa Ana, California and Youtuber 9092374 was...

Latest News

Only a year after Overkill released their sixteenth record, The Electric Age, they're eyeing up yet another release in March of 2014. Everyone go...

Latest News

Varg Vikernes is more famous for his murders than his music. While Burzum gained much noterity, it was his church burnings and 1993 murder...

Latest News

Hey-o! Whos' ready for some new Kataklysm? The answer is; everyone. Literally everyone.

Tour Dates

Well this sounds like an entire face full of fuck for a tour. In a good way where one's face would be full of...


White Wizzard's The Devil's Cut is a pretty badass record for all the right reasons. Mostly because it makes you feel like you have...

Upcoming Releases

Many moons ago, we exclusively reported that Trivium were working with producer David Draiman (he of Distrubed and Device) on their new album. Now...


We are excited to bring you a world premiere track from Sioux Falls, SD's Colossus. The band is releasing Time & Eternal on June...

Tour Dates

Finally! We know all the tour dates for the 2013 Summer Slaughter tour, headlined by The Dillinger Escape Plan.

Tour Dates

There was a controversy brewing with the voting for the opening slot band of Summer Slaughter. Ultimately, that distinction went to Rings Of Saturn,...

Latest News

Heavy MTL is the biggest metal festival to hit Canada. While in previous years, it was accompanied by a Toronto version of the festival,...

RIP a Livecast

Rob is back from SXSW just in time for a new edition of the RIP a Livecast. Rob recalls some of the highlights from...


Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....

Sick Art

Providence riff lords Howl have just unveiled the new album artwork for their upcoming Bloodlines album that comes out April 30 in North America....


Hump day is also new music day here at Metal Injection. We have new tunes for you from Kylesa, Vanna and KEN Mode, as...


So, it would probably be a fair assumption that if you were considering getting this album, you’re a prior fan of Voivod. And, if...

Upcoming Releases

Over the last few months, we've slowly been learning a lot about Metallica's upcoming 3D movie. We know the set list. We know it...