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Matching Tags: Chuggernaut

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Around the Interwebs

Sometime you're playing Pac Man and all you can think of is "I wish this were heavier and making fun of djent at the...


The Acacia Strain are dropping their brand new Above/Below EP today via Rise Records, and they're letting you try before you buy. We posted...

Weekly Injection

I feel like Andy Rooney or Peter Griffin every time I write one of these intros. I sometimes want so bad to just start...

Music Videos

From the Hammer Fight album "Chug of War". Available Nov. 12 2013 at BigCartel


It's been three years since Castevet unveiled their debut album, Mounds of Ash. The record received widespread critical acclaim and helped solidify the legitimacy...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...

Metal Merch

How have folk metal bands not thought of this sooner? Or maybe they have and I've just missed the boat this whole time. Either...


Today's a great day for free new music. High on Fire is offering a free new track and it's killer.

Latest News

Into Eternity, who are still chugging along with their new singer Amanda Kiernan for tours only (since Stu Block is in Iced Earth now), have...


Jeff Waters and his ever-revolving door of bandmates in Annihilator are an under-appreciated entity in their genre. As the band approaches their thirtieth year, the...

Upcoming Releases

Bad news, good news and potentially better news. The bad news: This is a really slow week for metal. The good news: The few...


Imagine a smoke filled room. The acrid air, the fogginess of vision; all the senses permeated by the thick haze. This is the essence...


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


Born of Osiris' Tomorrow We Die Alive was going to be a difficult album to write coming off the heels of their extremely well-received...


It has been six years for Thy Light since they released new material. Now, with the release of No Morrow Shall Dawn, the duo...


Oceano have scheduled their new album Incisions to be available come October 1 via Century Media Records, but they're streaming the heavy-as-hell title track...

Latest News

For a lot of bands the sophomore release is a big deal. And for some it's a make or break moment as to whether...


Where are the beer horns? You'll need plenty of pale ale before you can even begin to think of being in the right mindframe...


Thrash metal is supposed to be full of politically-charged lyrics, ridiculous guitar work that requires the listener to pay attention at all times, guitar...

Latest News

Norma Jean has released some pretty… interesting teasers for their upcoming record, but now we know the real stuff. The jokes are actually included.


The nouveau thrash movement may or may not be dead, but, regardless of how you feel about the genre's well being, Texas' Power Trip...

Latest News

It's no secret that Daniel "DL" Laskiewicz went on to do some other music from The Acacia Strain, but who would be replacing him?...