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Search results for "paradise"

Tour Dates

Gost, the bad boy of metallic synthwave, has announced a brand new album release, titled Valediction. Hot off the heals of his 2018 opus,...

Upcoming Releases

It'll feature some guest vocals from Wardruna vocalist Lindy-Fay Hella.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include not judging a 69 by its 69-ness, lots of rad instrumentals, unnecessary (and frankly stupid) speculation, and...

Weekly Injection

his week's new heavy metal releases include an 81-year-old vocalist, forest music, live recordings of a legend, and more! To the metals...


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...

Tour Dates

Melvins are going to be spending the majority of the fall on the road, as they have announced a massive tour of the country....

Tour Dates

Louder Than Life fest is getting a dose of Paradise City. Guns N Roses were announced as the headliners of the festival, happening in...

Tour Dates

Sludge gods Neurosis are spending the summer on the road. The band announced a slew of European tour dates a few weeks ago and...


The British metalcore chart invaders notch up another win...

Tour Dates

This will be a fun tour!

Tour Dates

Surrounding their tour with Overkill.

Tour Dates

One of the most reliable live bands around


The year 2019 looks to be a huge one for heavy metal and the anticipation is building. Bands like Tool, Slipknot, Megadeth, Korn, Youth...

Best of 2018

As you can probably tell from my Instagram page, 2018 was an incredible year for live music, and makes me wonder how this year...

Breakups & Shakeups

They've recruited ex-Paradise Lost drummer Jeff Singer.