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Search results for "APOCALYPSE"

Weekly Injection

It's Black Friday, so most of you are probably fighting people for the latest Furby. For the rest of us, here are some new...

Injection Reflection

It's officially November, which means only two months left in 2017. Where did the time go?! Here's what you missed this week: AVENGED SEVENFOLD...


"Sometimes in your career, you have to look back to the past to go into the future." - Max Cavalera

Around the Interwebs

GearGods called it "the final harbinger of the Apocalypse"


Bizarre, inaccessible and wonderfully weird, this is one of the most challenging metal releases I've heard all year!

Dank Slams

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep/Brutal Slam? Yep. Rick Dekard and his dystopian Los Angeles is once again almost upon us. For those with...

New Music

Blut Aus Nord is back with a new LP, and things get real crazy real fast.

New Music

The album is all about the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.

Upcoming Releases

The album is about the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.

New Music

Septicflesh seems to only be getting heavier.

New Music

Eighteen Visions did Nine Inch Nails, Fleshgod Apocalypse did Carcass, the list goes on.

At The Movies

The following is a guest post by Tombs frontman Mike Hill. Metal and horror have always been connected. Black Sabbath, arguably the first real heavy...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week for tasty shred to spew forth from your speakers. Once again, I've got an...

The Obituarist

Really excited about the line up here, an eclectic mix from all walks of the extreme for your neighbors second-hand listening displeasure!

Live Footage

"Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse" sounds absolutely gigantic.

Thrash Attack

Prepare for a cosmic mosh with Space Chaser in their latest record, Dead Sun Rising.


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...


Despite it only being January, 2017 is shaping up to look pretty great in terms of rock and metal releases. We're getting a new...


With a song this good, it kind of sucks it won't be on the new album.