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Search results for "MODE"

Video Games

A few days ago we discussed how Guitar Hero was trying to reinvent itself, but that is nothing compared to what the makers of...


SLLLAAAAYYYEEEEERRRR!!! Noisecreep had Slayer in the studios recently as part of the "Aol Sessions" series. I have embedded one of the videos above, of...

Video Games

Remember Guitar Hero guys? Remember how awesome it was a mere few years ago. The craze was sweeping the nation/ So much so, we...

Upcoming Releases

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Titanic, Elias and the Little Rescue Boat, Dimmu Borgir – all just three snapshots into the work of Norway-born and...

Latest News

Woah woah woah! We leave for one weeked to get some grillin' done (and in Rob's case, some moving) and all this new music...

Bummer Alert

A mere few days after we learned of the passing of Ronnie James Dio, metal has lost another musician. Multiple news outlets are reporting...

It's Just Business

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti 20-second intermission – sweaty, greased out headbangers drop out of the heavy riffage for a moment– and their 30 minute...


Not bad. That was my reaction when hearing snippets of the new Ozzy record, Scream. Blabbermouth posted the above EPK, which also features Ozzy,...

It's Just Business

by: Navjot Kaur Sobti We’ve been hearing it for years now – the music industry is suffering. The symptoms? Just last year, the industry...


Ever since I got the new Deftones record, Diamond Eyes, it has been in constant daily rotation for me. The album surprised me with...

Question of the Day

So I was listening to that new Limp Bizkit single today (I don't know why either) and then shortly after, I found this post...

Bummer Alert

Blabbermouth is now confirming the death of Peter Steele, after contacting Type-O keyboardist Josh Silver, who validated online speculation about his death. The band...


By Ben Apatoff Like any remotely interesting hardcore band these days, CANCER BATS don't play it straight-up. The Canadian punks have a strong southern...


We are extremely honored to be bringing you an exclusive album stream of Ov Hell's new release, The Underworld Regime. Ov Hell is the...

Bummer Alert

In a new interview with AOL's Noisecreep podcast, Slayer frontman Tom Araya revealed that he can no longer headbang due to recent injuries. Araya,...

Video Games

A recent article on Blabbermouth states that sales of music-based video games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band is "down 36 percent in...

Around the Interwebs

Finally! I get to use my favorite word in the English language: douches. And it cannot be any more fitting than these two. This...


Welcome to Revelations of Doom, Metal Injection's friendly little periodic reminder that there's more to metal than Mastodon and Metallica. Kvlt correspondent Grim Kim...

Tour Dates

Knoxville deathcoreians Whitechapel are gearing up for a busy couple of months. In preperation of their new album being released June 8th on Metal...

Marketing Genius

So the last week or so I have almost exclusively been listening to BLACK SABBATH. I can't explain why, but it's just been that...


Are you ready for some gear porn? We have just posted our epic gigantic enormous (more adjectives) coverage of NAMM 2010. It's an hour...

Upcoming Releases

By Navjot Kaur Sobti Months after hearing rumors about the new HOUR OF PENANCE release (and indulging the hell out of The Vile Conception...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...