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Search results for "aftershock"

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What is "The Doomed?"

Bummer Alert

Manson is in a hard cast.

Tour Dates

They're working on it and rehearsing new songs right now!

Tour Dates

This past June, while visiting metal friends in Stockholm for a proper Swedish midsummer, I was told about a brand new rock band from...

Tour Dates

Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein, specifically.

Tour Dates

Aside from dates with Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Converge, Pallbearer, and Oni.

Tour Dates

It's going to be a party.

Music Videos

Nothing More dodges some chairs and watches a dude get totally beat.

Tour Dates

A Perfect Circle will be on the road all of November and parts of October and December.

Tour Dates

With support from Hellbender and Demons Within, depending on the date.

Tour Dates

Aversions Crown, Spite, and No Zodiac too.


Re-releasing an album that came out six months ago...


This is really cool.

Live Footage

The song usually runs about 5:22.

Tour Dates

Overkill and Nile are partially involved!


Ozzfest + Knotfest = Knozzfest! As the event quickly approaches, we have decided to break down all 36 groups of the lineup that are...

Tour Dates

Atlanta noise heathens Whores. have premiered the first taste of new music (albeit 14 seconds worth) in a video seen above announcing their debut...