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New Music

Eighteen Visions did Nine Inch Nails, Fleshgod Apocalypse did Carcass, the list goes on.

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When the beloved Amebix called it quits after a brief reformation, Rob 'The Baron' Miller resurrected the feeling of his unique work in the...

Upcoming Releases

"...solid song craftsmanship, fast black metal riffs, crushing breakdowns and over the top orchestra production."

Full Album Stream

Hear the new record from the Austin-based doom crushers.


FFO: Between the Buried and Me, Good Tiger, The Contortionist...


Few songs say “fuck the system” quite like these ten incendiary tracks.


Otep is no stranger to controversy. In the last year, she accused the singer of Terror Universal of sexual assault and had very unflattering...

Music Videos

Powerflo is the new all-star group featuring Cypress Hill's Sen Dog, Christian Olde Wolbers (ex-Fear Factory), Billy Graziadei (Biohazard), Rogelio Lozano (ex-Downset.), and Fernando Schaefer (Worst). We premiered their...

Music Videos

It seems like Nergal doesn't want you watching videos from his dark folk side project, Me And That Man, at work. All the videos...


Sepultura vs Cavalera Conspiracy, the feud continues!


Given that this is Motionless In White to a T, if you are already a fan, then you’ll enjoy this very much. But if...

Scene Report

The following Scene Report was written by guest contributor Michelle O'Rance of the Australian radio show, The Doc and The Metal Maiden. Scene Report...

The Obituarist

The Obituarist back again with another potent dose of sick underground metal to wreck your neck just in time for spring!

Upcoming Releases

Katatonia, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Alice In Chains, Warbringer, etc.

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A four-disc live album, surprisingly with no repeat songs.


The new banger from the Denver thrashers was absolutely worth the wait.


Brits have been starved of heavy metal on their TV screens. Here are ten stellar performances that managed to make their way onto the...

Breakups & Shakeups

Finnish dark rockers H.I.M. have announced they are calling it quits after a farewell tour. The band just released the following statement: “Following a...

Upcoming Releases

The Haunted is coming back to haunt some motherfuckers real soon.


For the Lovecraftian fan: The Great Old Ones bestow a gift in EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...


It's refreshing to see Sepultura doubling down on their future at a time when they'd be forgiven for milking the 20th anniversary of their...