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"It is with deep regret that we inform you that this weekend's Louder Than Life festival has been canceled due to unsafe conditions resulting...


Davis was visibly emotional during the band's 20th anniversary celebrations for Follow the Leader


He buys stuff from Christian Death, Nine Inch Nails, Peter Gabriel and more.

br00tal Comedy

Sarah Longfield & Rob Scallon have teamed up for ukulele covers before, based on this "uke group" sketch where everybody plays happy, folksy songs...

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The couple had two kids together.

Fuck Yes!

"Davis refused to sing until a Scarface-sized pile of cocaine was placed in front of him at the mic."

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J-D wants to make sure people hear his solo stuff.

Upcoming Releases

"It doesn't suck, I know that. I'm not going, 'Go back, please.'"

Song Premiere

Pennsylvania's Sathanas spent the last three decades building a no-frills blackened thrash, but there's a chance you've not heard of them. Other acts like Aura Noir...


Both of these guys should probably stay off social media for a bit.

New Music

FFO: Cattle Decapitation, Gorguts, Decapitated, etc

Music Videos

"A crack team of grindcore aficionados ready to show the world their brand of grind that's quickly becoming notorious as something that must be...

Tour Dates

Plus Deftones, Ice Cube, Limp Bizkit, Five Finger Death Punch and more.

Music Videos

The band that has everything you're looking for, including the kitchen sink's sponge, just dropped their oddest video yet with "Nowhere to be Found"...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a bunch of reunions, lots of doom, an album I highlighted just to piss people off, and more! To the metals...


NYC photographer Rodrigo Fredes was a busy man these last few weeks, hitting up three major shows in NYC and capturing some awesome photos....

Celebrity Metalheads

Well, he's got us on that second part.