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Best of 2015

Click through for Daniel's 2015 picks


From rock and doom to insane grindcore and serious bummer jams, we've got a great selection in here!

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...


Got your daily dose of ass kickin' right here.


As much Liszt as Limbonic Art, Lychgate combine the avant-garde leanings of unconventional time signatures, classical music, but build each level onto a harsh...


Prepare to be entranced by the San Franciscans brand of black magic majesty!


The long and short of it is that Monarchy is a much tighter album than The Conscious Seed of Light. Though not so dramatic...

The Obituarist

As the awesomeness of summer sadly threatens to come to an end, I have decided to round up a good chunk of my favorite...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank hangs with Gorguts frontman Luc Lemay at Heavy Montreal, and discusses a new album in the works for spring 2016! Here's what he...


Australian melodic death metal, crushing symphonic metal and some gross hardcore!

Weekly Injection

This week is stacked. New releases from legends, future legends, weird shit, and more! To the metals…


Before the weekend, MetalSucks posted about Romano. He's a German rapper, whose new single talks about his love for black and death metal. It's...

Weekly Injection

Happy Cartoonist Day! Draw yourselves slaying something to celebrate! On to business. This edition includes indie/stoner darlings, lots of Satan, a terrible reference to...

Periphery have released a live music video for one of the djentier tracks on their new double album, Juggernaut: Alpha/Omega – this track comes...

Latest News

There were many bands in the 1990s who, having began as doom-infused death metal, later transitioned to melodic goth metal of one variety or...


Aldafǫðr ok munka dróttin was crafted as an ode to the nomadic spirit of the Scandinavian people, whom history has dubbed vikings. As such...

Weekly Injection

Kind of a slower week for y'all. A few solid droppings from your record label overlords though. These include weird avant Norway fellas, live...

Music Videos

Today is the big day for Periphery fans, with the release of their double album Juggernaut. To celebrate, the band released this trippy new video...

Weekly Injection

Ah yesssss, another lovely week for metal. Whether you want heavy as fuck sludge, melodic djent, or off the wall chaos, there is something...


It's finally (half) here!

Latest News

Deiphago, that Filipino hoard of bestial black metal marauders, has just announced the completion of the band's fourth album, Into the Eye of Satan. It's...


How much video content did Periphery shoot while making their new double album Juggernaut? They recently spent weeks releasing webisodes profiling each member of the band: check...


One of my favorite tracks off the new double album.