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Search results for ""summer slaughter""

RIP a Livecast

We begin the show talking about Lemmy's recent health scare and his cocoa puffs. We then discussed this famous scene in Decline of Western...


Summer Slaughter seems like it's a lot of fun and everybody is having a good time. Case in point? At last night's show in...


Revocation's self-titled opus hits stores exactly one week from today, August 6th but the band just couldn't wait any longer and decided to post...

Fuck Yes!

With sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo giving artists a way to fund projects directly from the fans, labels seem to be putting less money...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


Wow, everything I've heard so far from the upcoming Norma Jean album, Wrongdoers has been phenomenal. The band just released another new track, "Family...

Latest News

Interesting! Molotov Solution have come off their hiatus with a much different line-up than before. Come on in and read the statement!

Upcoming Releases

Misha Mansoor has a bit of downtime until Periphery head out on the Summer Slaughter tour in a few weeks, so he's decided to...


Revocation's 2011 release, Chaos of Forms was the album of the summer for me that year and I'm happy to report that their upcoming self-titled release...

Bummer Alert

The Dillinger Escape Plan has canceled their European tour dates due to guitarist Ben Weinman's broken hand.

Latest News

Periphery are on a bit of a break right now as they get ready for Summer Slaughter and guitarist Misha Mansoor decided "hey, why...


Hey, remember that Norma Jean song "Shark Bite" that clocked in at six seconds? The band released it a few weeks back and I...

Latest News

Heavy MTL is the biggest metal festival to hit Canada. While in previous years, it was accompanied by a Toronto version of the festival,...

Upcoming Releases

Revocation, to me, are the embodiment of everything that is right with metal right now. They play awesome shreddy thrash, are all about touring...


When he's not being a dad on Summer Slaughter, bassist Nick Schendzielos is making funky bass videos. He just released a new clip called...

Best of 2012

We asked Metal Injection contributing photographer Rodrigo Fredes to pick out his 10 favorite shots that he acquired from the dozens of concerts he...

Best of 2012

2012 will not see end of the world, or extreme music for that matter. However, if this was the end of Metal and Hardcore...

Upcoming Releases

Sumerian Records has been on a tear lately. A few weeks back, they announced the signing of The Dillinger Escape Plan and today, there...


While everyone is still hungover from all the food and alcohol that was consumed yesterday, the metal blogosphere has to get back to work....

Latest News

Bodom fans in Finland's loss is America's gain. Children of Bodom announced today that they are forced to drop off the Tuska Open Air...

Injection Reflection

We're less than week away from our big CMJ showcase with Pig Destroyer, KEN Mode, Early Graves and Encrust. We hope you have your...

Upcoming Releases

Earlier this year, I wrote that new material from The Red Chord was coming this year, but when I talked to Gunface at Summer...


The Red Chord's Mike McKenzie had a busy summer. He helped fill in on bass for Job For A Cowboy during the Summer Slaughter...