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Search results for "Soundscape"

Song Premiere

Erie, Pennsylvania's Abjection Ritual underwent a large stylistic shift prior to working on their new album. The duo expanded to include more instrumentation while still maintaining...


This is a near-classic landmark release for both doom metal and the metal scene at large and an absolute, unconditional must-listen. It truly does...

Music Videos

Fistula and Come to Grief's new split is out now. and if you haven't heard it yet, then you really need to get into...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


 When heavy metal leaks into other disparate genres, incredible things can occur…


Howling Sycamore is one of those new projects that immediately struck gold. Labeling this simply as progressive metal would not be doing this act...


FFO: Isis, Rosetta, Deftones


Monochromatic black metal that will make you run to the hills. Dig in!


Erdve's debut record is not without its flaws but there’s nonetheless more good than bad here.


“Hearing is for life, wear fucking earplugs at shows”


Even though ION is one of Portal's lesser manifestations of auditory horror, it's still an easy recommendation for extreme metal fanatics.


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday. This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...

Best of 2017

This is the music that made 2017 bearable.


Cascadian black metal that doesn't lose sight of its roots - Barrowlands have crafted something truly special with their sophomore LP.


FFO: Neurosis, Melvins, Om...


FFO: Yob, Neurosis, Pallbearer...


Stripped back and powerful, Belus tap into the spirit of black metal with their endlessly fascinating and masterfully executed debut album. These Brooklyn black...

Latest News

I was introduced to The Surrealist last year with their atmospheric Animals As Leaders meets Plini debut EP, Naked Awareness. You can check out...


The ten tracks on offer span the width and breathe of the Godflesh oeuvre, sounding as rhythmically calculating and drill-press noisy as early works...

Upcoming Releases

" I actually have a date that some of us are gonna get together in a studio and get things going for the next...

New Music

It's an instrumental but it's really well-written and quite interesting!


What exactly do you…Do you see? Demons.